SSRC the ability to interact effectively with theatrical dealers, representatives and consultants.
SSRC’s SwitchSuper™ Relay Panel is a unique, DMXControlled relay device designed for permanent installations. Packed with features in a familiar enclosure, the device allows for the switching of up to eighty-four (84), individually controlled DMXaddressable relays, presenting itself as a perfect pairing with modern LED performance lighting fixtures and switched performance loads. The SwitchSuper’s robust electronics cards were designed from the ground up to endure the rigors of production environments.
SwitchSuper boasts the ability to accommodate mixed-amperage load switching controlled via industry-standard wired DMX512 protocol. All circuits are individually addressable and configurable, and the device comes factory pre-wired for quick and worryfree installation.
Pair the SwitchSuper and other Switch Products with our Standard Distribution Products for a complete venue power distribution solution.