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Transform the Quality of Your Performance or Event

Transform the Quality of Your Performance or Event

22 Nov, 2021  /  by marketing
Basic Stage Lighting Guide to Transform the Quality of Your Performance or Event

When it comes to raising the quality of a theatrical performance, concert, or other event, you might think that the only factors are training and rehearsal. However, this is another element that affects the quality of any production, and it has little to do with the talent itself.

Raising or lowering the level of dramatic effect has more to do with other elements of a performance than you may think. The use of theatrical lighting on and around the stage is a big factor in the experience of the audience.

Not only do actors need to act and singers need to sing, but designers and controllers behind the scenes or at the front of house need to understand their craft as well.

You Can’t Appreciate What You Can’t See

While the use of darkness does factor into dramatic effect and transitions, for the most part, the audience can only follow what they are able to catch sight of. Beyond the typical spots, the right lighting design and equipment work in concert to reveal expressions or details that are pertinent to the bigger picture.

The combination of down and up lighting, side lighting, backlighting, or—perhaps most effective—fill lights, works to illuminate faces and features from various angles. Lighting provides the ability to add definition and can give the appearance of separation or nearness for objects throughout the set.

Modern Lighting Makes for Manifold Lighting

With the most modern lighting distribution systems and fixtures, designers are able to create mood and movements like never before. The ability to use lighting for fixing the attention of the audience on a space or individual creates the opportunity for a higher quality performance overall.

From intensity to a full spectrum of color, the use of modern lighting can even make an audience feel emotion, rather than just seeing what is on stage in front of them. Projectors with stencils and fixtures with gobos also allow for creating décor throughout the venue as well.

To learn more on the use of theatrical lighting for increasing the quality of your next production, reach out to the pros at SSRC. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is able to walk lighting techs and installers of all levels through the latest advantages of quality theatrical distribution.

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