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Stage Lighting to the Next Level

Stage Lighting to the Next Level

13 Dec, 2021  /  by marketing
Stage Lighting Basics that Take Your Performance to the Next Level

Stage lighting impacts all aspects of any production—from the mood of the audience to the safety of the performers. The way lighting is designed, programmed, and distributed can make or break the scene.

The key to the best stage lighting begins with the right mindset. Rather than feeling the pressure to get it all perfect with the right tones and transitions, those who are responsible for lighting the stage should see it as an opportunity to be creative!

There is so much that can be done with the use of stage lighting and—within the proper boundaries—knowing just a few basics can really help unlock the best show possible.

The Use of Color for Setting Scenes

Audiences are continuously influenced by the stage lighting without even realizing it! Lighting can set the tone, the mood, and the scene—from the level of the action to the time of day in which the scene is set.

Creating realistic scenes for any time of day is possible without swapping backdrops. Simply using different colors—such as pinks and oranges for a setting sun or cooler tones for a different time of day can make a world of difference when it comes to your stage lighting.

Saturating a bland backdrop with color to liven it up changes the mood entirely. Without the use of extra props, stage lighting can be used to create frenzy in the scene with the right fixtures and timing.

Don’t Be Afraid to Switch It Up

Stage lighting can be used to take the audience on a journey as they enjoy the performance. The more advanced the equipment, the more opportunity. Using environmental lighting and projectors provide the opportunity to use lighting for shifting scenes, rather than necessitating stagehands to move props on and off the set.

A simple tweak to lighting can have a profound effect and dramatically shift the presentation of any production. Use rehearsals to practice and experiment with different stage lighting elements.

Rehearsals and run-throughs provide opportunities to tweak tones or blend a variety of levels to create the perfect effect that makes a production even more remarkable. Using other lighting to highlight the cast provides even more opportunity to get creative with the stage lighting.

Next level stage lighting and performance is easy with the right equipment. To ensure you are well equipped, get in touch online today!